The Museum in Słońsk gathers reminders after the Prussian prison of 1834 and concentration camp of Third Reich “Sonnenburg”. On the museums building’s walls, from the southern and western part, there are remembrance elements dedicated to the victims from France, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Belgium, Norway, as well as devoted to German anti-fascists.
Performance description:
Scope of cooperation
– delivery, installation and initiation of multimedia equipment and software regarding multimedia management systems
– performance and initiation of “input” for multimedia devices in the form of film projections, software for multimedia posts, sound recording
Tasks performed within the scope of the project “Arrangement and equipment of the Martyrdom Museum in Słońsk”, co-financed within the scope of the European territorial cooperation – Operational Programme of Cross Border Cooperation between Poland (Lubuskie Province) and Brandenburg 2007-2013
ClientMuzeum Martyrologii ofiar Obozu Sonnenburg, SłońskYear2015