TRIAS was responsible for creation of the exhibition, including the creation and installation of all scenery elements, e.g. artistic elements, fabrication and delivery of display cases, delivery and installation of exhibition lighting, multimedia equipment, along with the development and uploading of content (including sound recordings, film projections). The tasks assigned to TRIAS also included the execution of finishing construction work in the area of the Permanent Exhibition Hall, as well as in the adjacent rooms of the Temporary Exhibition Hall, the lobby, the Conference Room and two atriums.
The foundation of the Breakthroughs Dialogue Center is the permanent exhibition, realized by TRIAS, showing the landmark events of 1939-1989. The exhibition recalls the actions and consequences of two totalitarianisms: nazism and communism, but above all it commemorates the post-war events previously silenced, embedded in the narrative of the Polish resistance society.
ClientThe National Museum in Szczecin — The Dialogue Center UpheavalsYear2016